How to set plan and book to best achieve your travel goals

The easiest way to make your travel adventure happen is to set plan and book your travel goals.
Mapping out a game plan will turn dream trips into a reality by breaking up manageable goals into an achievable structure.
It is as simple as following these 5 steps.
• Search for a location
• Calculate the budget
• Work out how you can raise these funds
• Book the flight
• Start planning
Pick a destination
First step, where do you wish to travel to? This can be either one country or a multi stop RTW trip.
The best way to map out where you want to go is to create a Travel focused bucket list. This will help you achieve your travel goals.
Grab an atlas, head on over to YouTube, explore the travel section in your local library and explore what’s out there. Whatever grabs your fancy jot it down in your bucket list and add a sub category of what you wish to do when you get there, this will keep it organized.
Use your bucket list as a motivation to explore more, each time you read about something exciting you wish to experience around the world, simply add it to the list. An ever expanding list full of adventures will start to appear, how exciting!
categorize your travel desire
(Where do you want to visit the most from your bucklist)
Work out what’s realistically possible with the budget and time frame you have. Of course you want to do everything on your list, but stop, take a step back and categorize your bucket list with numbers. Mark them in two ways by affordability and popularity. This way you can balance out easily what’s most achievable and desirable to you.
Once your first adventure has been successful, it will inspire to take more trips, creating a bucket list well help you in the future with destination ideas and remind you of what you wish to experience.
Book your first flight
(Once your first flight is booked, more chance of the trip happening)
The biggest motivation towards achieving your travel goals is to book the first flight. Once its booked you have a sense of no turning back. This can help boost your confidence and turn a dream into reality.
Grab a calendar, mark down the dates, cross off a box each day and start a countdown, get your adrenaline pumping for an adventure. Don’t forget to Share your trip idea with your friends and family, they will take an interest in what you’re getting up to and egg you on, which will give you more encouragement and confidence.
Work out your travel budget
(What destinations are possible with your budget?)
Just make sure you set out a realistic budget first that can be easily achieved before you set off. Booking your first flight will not only help motivate you, it will also make your flight less expensive.
You can work out your budget by using the following formula:
• Daily recommended budget (accommodation/food/little extras)
• Transport costs
• Visa fees
• Travel Insurance
• Gear
If you have already been on your first trip, gear costs shouldn’t be an issue. If you plan on travelling a lot you can purchase yearly travel Insurance plans which might be more cost effective.
The biggest cost apart from the flight will be the daily budget. You will have to work out how many days you will be visiting and what the local economy is like, your daily budget will differ depending on the continent. It is possible to travel on a budget of $50 a day, this brings slight struggle to some destinations (still possible) and luxury travel to others, but it’s a good general ball point figure.
You can alter this total amount depending on if you use free hospitality options or hitchhike to your destination.
Once you have pinned your destination, booked your flight, you can start to achieve your travel goals, this will get you excited for the departure day and make fundraising efforts all worth the while and give purpose to the whole idea.
Enjoy planning for your next adventure and Have fun exploring the world!