Make Easy money selling your junk online to fund your travels
Selling everything I owned was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I’m happy I’ve sold everything to travel the world.
Mostly because the cash comes in handy, but it allows you to travel light, clear your head and Declutter your life of junk which was dragging me down.
For many this can be a fresh start, you can use travel as an excuse to achieve this.
I got to a point where I started to notice I was moving the same stuff from one point to another and a lot of it was not getting used on a daily basis.
My lifestyle had shifted, but yet my old way of living remained, it was dragging me down and I had to do something about it.
It started to turn into a painful task rather than an easy one, that’s when I asked myself, how often do I use all this junk I had accumulated throughout my teens?
I looked at my Iron Maiden CD’S and Collection of Michael Palin DVD’s and wondered why I still needed them? I had a digital copy and I could help fund my travels if I sold them on Ebay, it got me thinking.
That’s when I realized that I had to let go emotionally to stuff that I no longer needed in my life.
It was 2012, I had just graduated from University and I was about to embark on a backpacking trip around Australia. Everything I owned had to go. I looked at this massive stockpile of junk and thought to myself:
If I could look at each item as a beer here or a beach hut there than the emotional attachment would go away instantly and I would start to think that my junk could be turned into travelling coupons.
This mind shift helped eliminate the emotional attachments to my junk and kick start the process of turning it into much needed travelling funds.
It’s ok to let go!
100 Things Challenge
ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=0061787744&linkCode=as2&tag=tradav0d-21&linkId=MY56XZVW3OC5CXFZ” target=”_blank”>100 Things Challenge, worth a read and on the Amazon Kindle)
The whole idea of living a minimal lifestyle come down to this book, 100 things challenge, that can be read on the Amazon Kindle. It made me think a lot differently to how I was previously living my life. At the start I thought this whole idea was not possible, but after reading the book and following some steps it made me think different.
It focused on clothes, but the same method started to work for all the items I had. The first step I did was to put all my clothes into another room and each day go to that room to take out the clothes that I would wear for that day, over time I would only have the clothes I’d most frequently used in my current room and all the clothes I hadn’t worn in over a month in the other room.
This simple step showed me I had a room full of clothes that I had no intention of ever wearing but yet I still kept them.
It showed me that I had some sort of idea in my head to keep everything “just in case” even though it was cluttering up my life.
Along with other useful steps in the book I started to see things differently and rather than seeing items as something I might possibly use in the future, I started to think, would someone like to buy this so I can use the funds to travel the world.
Hack away at what was not needed
(It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease, hack away at the unessential – Bruce Lee)
I started to wipe out emotional attachments within seconds, I could use some items I had to cut down others, Take The Amazon Kindle for example, all my printed books could be downloaded in digital form as Ebooks onto my Amazon Kindle.
Rather than collecting dust on a bookshelf I could access all my books from my pocket anywhere around the world without taking up space at all, it worked perfectly.
Packing down to Hand luggage is difficult, but through an elimination process and looking at items different its extremely possible if you can dedicate yourself to this new way of living, this worked well for almost everything
• DVD’s download and transferred to my DropBox cloud account
• CD’S transferred to my iTunes Match
• Books swapped for Amazon Kindle Ebook version
• Paper Documents transferred to my Evernote account
• Pictures stored on my Flickr Account
As you can see, not all items are compressed down in order to sell on, it’s about creating a dumping system so you have a place for physical items to go. Then you create a digital process to keep everything online. It’s also much safer online as it’s a form of backup that’s protecting your content if it was to go missing.
Ebay is amazing
Anyone can set up an Ebay account and sell online, all you need is a PayPal account and a digital camera.
One guy’s junk is another guy’s treasure. People on the internet will buy anything and if you can make some profit after fees and postage then why not?