How not to travel, tips on being a better backpacker

You’re going to make a lot of mistakes when you travel.
Here are a few tips you should take into consideration when starting out as a backpacker
How not to travel:
Go on about cultural stereotypes
The worst thing you can do with a local is bring up stereotype right away.
Of course after a few beers a couple of days later, why not! It’s a conversation and you can joke about it. But it’s all about first impressions. Don’t offer a Hungarian food because he might be hungry. Don’t immediately ask a Kazak to high five you in Borat style, or Ask a Welsh man how the sheep are doing? It can be very offensive and locals can take it the wrong way. Discover the real them and pass your own personal judgement before you make it. Just as the name implies, it is a stereotype after all.
Follow guidebooks word by word
Big era, guidebooks are great and full of wonderful offline information. But use them as guidelines to travel wiser, don’t worship them page to page. Not all local businesses are in the Lonely Planet, but that doesn’t make them a bad location. They just haven’t been written about yet, just follow your own judgement and get lost and explore.
Loose trust with people
Just because you have a backpack on and you might seem like you’re a target, doesn’t mean everyone is out to get you. Some people are generally nice and want to share how friendly their culture is. If you’re offered tea, it can be a wonderful special moment to remember. The world is not one massive film set of Taken, it is a friendly place full of like hearted individuals generally interested in meeting you and sharing their hospitality to the world. Even in the least expected places act of kindness can be experienced. Travel is all about stepping out of your comfort zone not travelling around in constant fear.
Be afraid to relax
It can be tempting to cram everything in at once as you might not be able to relive this experience ever again, but the last thing you want to do on your travels is wear yourself out. Take a chill pill, relax, enjoy travelling slowly, there is nothing wrong with doing this. The Eiffel tower is not moving anytime soon so just take your time and enjoy travelling bit by bit.
Book to far in advance
Book the first few days, worry about the rest as you go along. If you have too many plans you could get stuck into doing things you don’t want to do. Your meet new fun people going another route and you might want to go as well. Remain flexible and have a fun adventure.
Pack too much
Don’t be weighed down by your junk, pack light and feel free. The last thing you want on your mind is your stuff so avoid bringing too much stuff and worry about that when you’re there. Allot of the things you need can be purchased in a local store if you forget it so don’t worry about packing everything and just bring the bare basic. Are you travelling or your junk? Exactly!
Judge people
Traveler or Tourist? Don’t really give a shit to be honest. Your all travelling, you’re all going along the same route, get to know them don’t be put off because they are different from you, sometimes different is good and you can have allot of fun with that. Enjoy travelling and enjoy meeting people from all walks of life.
Take your personal views to heart
You’re not going to agree with everything another culture has to offer, but do respect, that’s how they live their lives and learn from the experience. It might be religious differences or cultural, but at least you learn how the world works and it will turn you into a better person. If we all lived the same life, wouldn’t it be boring. Your be a more rounded worldly individual if you understood it a little bit better. What’s crazy to you might be the normal way of life for some.
Forget your toothbrush
It’s important to clean your teeth…
Do you have any more tips on how not to travel? or want to discuss any of the above points? Feel free and post a comment in the section below: