How to book cheap flights, Infographic
I wanted to give away a free ebook this week for readers of Travel Dave.
How to book cheap flights, A Infographic PDF
(How to book cheap flights, a infographic PDF download)
This Free Infographic cheat sheet contains a helpful list of ways you can make your flight cheaper.
It easily lays out some key points you might have not thought about, sort of like an exam cheat sheet you can use before booking flights.
• Perfect for saving money on your travels!
• Comes in PDF form and can be enjoyed on any Electronlical device.
• It’s yours to keep forever.
What do you have to lose?
Want to visit Sydney, Australia?
(Sydney Opera House in Sunny Australia)
By reducing your flight ticket, you can! Anything is possible!
Flight costs can be off putting but armed with a little help, it’s possible to reduce the price without having to hack into any booking systems. It’s steps anyone can easily follow online to discover affordable prices.
One Sneak peak
(One helpful tip taken from the infographic)
Here is a little sneak peak of one tip before you download your free copy.
By changing your settings to Incognito mode, you’re able to block your IP address.
You can do this by using applications such as Tunnel Bear (which is free to download and use!).
Why does this help?
• Airlines can ramp up prices if they notice the same IP address, visiting multiple times and searching for the same flight.
• By changing your VPN using Express VPN to the airlines country you can check the flight price in the local currency (might be cheaper in Euro’s than British Pounds for example)
• Can spot market inefficiency and leveraging it to your advantage (Weak Russian Rubel for example)
• It’s not black hat hacking just changing your IP address location, simple.
There you go! That’s one free tip taken from the free download: “How to book cheap flights” Infographic in PDF format.
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