Avoid expensive views in Europe

Europe is full of wonderful views to sit back, put your feet up and enjoy. Only problem is they are surrounded by expensive Cafes which will charge you a small fortune to enjoy.
In some cases the closer you are, the more expensive the coffee will cost you.
Prime locations are sort after and European cafe’s are smart, they know what you want.
The only problem is the cafe’s on the main square are charging a small fortune just to buy a coffee, you can’t help but dig into temptation and pay up.
Avoid expensive views in Europe by following this one key important tip.
Travel Tip: Walk around the corner down a side street to find a market vender offering food and drink for a fraction of the price.
But you wanted the scenery, I hear you ask?
All you simply have to do is walk back with your feast and enjoy the view from a free public bench.
These outlets struggle to gather customers away from the prime spot and often charge cheaper prices than what the cafe on the main square will charge, especially when your taking your Lunch away from the shop.
(Always loads of places to sit for free and enjoy your Lunch, no need to pay top dollar)
The wonderful thing about most cities in Europe is you feel like you’ve gone back in time, Cafe’s know that they can capitalize on the prime location they have, don’t fall for this trap.
When travelling on a shoestring budget this can quickly eat into your funds.
It’s easy to Avoid expensive views around Europe because when your a backpacker you don’t mind cutting corners to save money when it matters.
Enjoy your Lunch for a fraction of the price from outside the cafe instead, get exactly the same view! No one will ask you to move, its free public space.
(Italian Ice cream in Italy for €1, Bottled water for €0,50, Only one minute walk from Piazza della Signoria, Florence)
You’re not even skimping on quality, look how awesome this €1 tiramisu Gelato looks:
Pretty Dawn awesome, it was great by the way.
You could even prepare a packed Lunch from your hostel kitchen if you wanted to take the savings even further,
The more you save, the more you travel,
Next time you’re backpacking around Europe on a budget, you don’t have to cut corners to enjoy a great Lunch with a view,
Save the pennies, Avoid expensive views in Europe and travel more, Enjoy the Ice cream!