Visiting the Northern Most Mc Donalds in the world, Rovaniemi, Finland

This is a story all about my Visit to the northernmost Mc Donalds in the world, located in Rovaniemi, Finland.
Like many great explorers before me, we all set our goals firm, to conquer, achieve and visit the most out of reach places.
On a recent trip to Finland I found myself with my local friends in Rovaniemi Wondering what to do?
We had just visited Father Christmas in Lapland, stayed overnight in a log cabin after a long Sauna session and we were feeling a little peckish.
I thought my friends were joking when they asked if I wanted to go to Mc Donalds.
Many travellers avoid this establishment like the plague as more local delicacies to try are far tempting.
But my locals insisted it was part of the up and coming more youthful Rovaniemi tour and I couldn’t understand why?
I was most curious and went along for the drive
It was -10 outside and my face was starting to freeze, we had just enjoyed roasted reindeer the night before, so wasn’t quite sure why we was stopping by Mc Donalds?
As we drove in they informed me in a deep Finnish accent, “behold you are now entering the Northern most Mc Donalds in the world”. I have to admit I do admire the dry Finnish Humour and I was impressed.
Out of all the Mc Donalds I had visited in the past this was surely one to remember for a lifetime.
I’ve visited many crazy places that hold unique claim to fames, but this was no Big Banana this was the one and only Northern Most Mc Donalds.
Then I started to call out bullshit, surely they were winding me up and they do this with every visitor?
They tried to take the drive through (Smart idea as it was cold outside) But I couldn’t hold back on the chance to go inside the establishment to suss out its title.
After ordering a Cheese burger I asked the staff if my friends was winding me up, but nope, they insisted too it was the northernmost Mc Donalds and presented me with this postcard.
Ok, they got me, it was a funny experience, not something I would list on my top achievements in life, but still, Nice to know you can get a Cheese Burger above the Arctic Circle if you get hungry.
Why on earth you would want to send this postcard to someone is beyond me, with Santa living around the corner you would be pretty wound up if you got this in the post instead.
However was great to see the funny side of it and nice to know the locals are happy they have a fast food joint on their door step.
I’m sure all the towns further North are most upset about not holding this title.
So there you go, if you ever want to Find the Northern Most Mc Donalds and pick up a novelty post card you now know where to go!
Latest update on the northernmost Mc Donalds
I have some sad news to bring to you today after a reader emailed me and brought to my attention thats things have changed since my last visit.
The Mc Donalds in Rovaniemi, Finland that held the northernmost location on my visit in 2012 has since lost its title. Oh no!
The new northernmost McDonald has since moved to Murmansk, Russia and they have held the title since 2014 when they opened. Sorry to bring bad news, but I hope they also have a postcard to offer visitors after claiming the title.
Looks like I will have to make my next Big Mac run to Murmansk, Russia. Thank you for reading and happy travels!