back up and store your content in the cloud whilst you travel

Having your head in the clouds is often what people refer to when thinking about travel, but what does being in the cloud mean in the digital world?
It’s very simple and can be used as an effective tool to keep your digital content safe and secure whilst you travel, freeing up much needed space on your notebook.
With notebook’s getting smaller and moving more to flash memory (now with no memory at all with the new Google Chromebook) your beloved Digital space is becoming more sparse.
So where do you store your content?
Here are a number of suggestions you can use to keep yourself mobile and control your data management whilst travelling.
PogoPlug Mobile – £54.49 ( Web/Desktop/iPhone/iPad
Carrying large, bulky hard drives can be a thing of the past with the PogoPlug, link it up to your home Internet hub and you instantly you have created a cloud all for your very own use. Currently I have two hooked up, one to keep my laptop backed up and one for digital media content. You can store up to 4 USB hard drives one Pogo device. It’s the most expensive option, but could be a lifesaver if you want to access or store a lot of Digital data on the go.
If your Notebook is stolen all your content is safe back home and you can even password protect your Pogoplug so no one can gain access to it.
Drop box link – 2GB Free – desktop/web/iPhone/iPad/android
DropBox is an online storage solution which allows you to share and access data from anywhere in the world. Limited to 2GB its not as large as the pogo plug but it’s free and you dont have to own something physical. You can pay monthly to gain more space and this might work out to better option to back up and store your media on your travels.
The main useful feature is the ability to easily share files with your friends and family. Last month I shared 1GB of photos with my friends from a trip to Lapland with no hassle at all, easy!
Google Drive & Docs – free – Web
Office suites can take up a lot of space on your laptops hard drive. If memory processing power is key then you can benefit from the quick instant start up time of using cloud based software such as google docs and gmail.
Both can be accessed on the internet and are fast, Secure and easy to use, all you need is a Google account, simply.
As for Google docs keeping your items online and in PDF format can keep your rucksack paperless saving you space.
Easy to share and collaborate with others over the web from anywhere in the world, great for working on colaboration projects or sending documents back home.
Google also has a Dropbox like feature called Google Drive which attaches to your Google account and comes with a lot of free storage, which is also worth checking out.
And the best part, it’s free
Keeping yourself in the cloud whilst you travel can save a lot of space in your backpack and keep your data secure at all times.
Do you have any suggestions for cloud Computing that you use when you travel?